How bipeds about quadrupeds?

A podcast that has nothing to do with Italy. Get advice on how to handle your quadruped (and millipeds or lesser quadrupeds). Wisdom and trivia come with a new episode every other Wednesday. Animal experts and animal lovers in Zverissimo are interviewed by the actor on the presenter’s chair, Janko Dobrík.

The latest episodes

33 minút

S02E23 Pes a les – priateľ alebo hrozba?

Keď idete so psom do lesa, takmer naisto vstupujete do poľovného revíru. Až 91% územia Slovenska je rozdelených na poľovné…
33 minút

S02E22 Toto je cool

Prečo má význam využívať hmyzí proteín v potrave? Hmyz je hypoalergénny, obsahuje veľa železa, výroba je ekologická a bezodpadová. CBD…


Jano Dobrík

Our actor not only sits on the moderator’s chair, but also cleverly asks questions. In Zverissim, Janko tries out what it’s like to be a “host” instead of a “guest” on the podcast. You can listen to his pleasant voice on your favorite podcast platforms and if you miss the picture, don’t worry. You can find the episodes in video form on the Zverissimo YouTube channel.